April 19, 2011

I have become partially disabled over the last several years and would like to teach my dog to assist me. Is there some way I can teach her to assist me?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I've emailed you previously and you have been very helpful. I have become partially disabled over the last several years and would like to teach my dog to assist me. I have a wonderful, 65 lb. female, rough coated Collie who I adopted from a breeder. My dog was bred previously. She was born and raised by her breeder who also did quite a bit of helpful training. I, too, have done training with my dog and this, I believe, solidified our bond. My problem is that my dog will not play with toys nor will she put anything in her mouth other than food. I would like to teach her to pull a rope or some such thing in order to help me open doors. I would also like to teach her to pick up small items that have dropped to the floor such as letters. It would appear that she was taught not to put objects other than food into her mouth (normally, a good thing, I suppose). Folks refer to her as a "food-a-holic!" She will do almost anything for a treat but she will not even chase a ball or play "tug." Is there some way I can teach her to assist me?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’d recommend Clicker Train your own Assistance Dog.

If you have not previously used clicker/marker training I would recommend you first read this article and view this video The Power of Training Dogs with Markers.

You can try using the search function on the website to find the answer to any additional questions. It is located in the left hand corner of every page on our website. Simply type in your search terms or key words and you will be directed to articles, question & answers, free streaming videos and posts on our forum.

I hope this helps. Cindy

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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