January 19, 2012

On your website you recommend not letting strangers pet or give treats to your dog so that the owner becomes the center of the dog's world (engagement); and so that the dog doesn't see strangers as sources of treats. However, almost universal in the description of the Doberman breed is the need for early and extensive socialization. Can you clear up this point for us?

Full Question:
Hi Mr. Frawley:

We are preparing to bring home our 9 week old male Doberman pup. In preparation for our new arrival, we have extensively studied your website and your DVDs. We have had experience with smaller female terrier breeds but this will be our first large-breed male. Our goal is a highly trained, obedient, non-aggressive pet.

We are planning on fixing the dog at 6 months.

We have very carefully chosen the breeder for good lines and temperament.

My question is this: On your website you recommend not letting strangers pet or give treats to your dog so that the owner becomes the center of the dog's world (engagement); and so that the dog doesn't see strangers as sources of treats. And we are aware of and agree with your advice on dog parks and defending the pup from other dogs in general.

However, almost universal in the description of the Doberman breed is the need for early and extensive socialization. The Doberman breeder also advises early socialization and even recommended that we take the puppy to Petco and encourage everyone to pet the puppy. I know you say your website advice is not breed-specific, but it does seem that every info resource on Dobermans recommends early and aggressive socialization.

Can you clear up this point for us? We really want to get this right.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’m guessing you’ve already read this article that outlines our definition of socializing.

This really isn’t breed specific. I owned, trained, and bred Dobermans for many years. I got my first one when I was 5 and my last one just passed away a few years back. I don’t raise my Malinois, Border Terrier, or Corgis any differently than I did my Dobermans. ALL dogs (regardless of breed) need socialization to be well rounded, but I socialize my dogs as outlined in the article I linked above.

I certainly would never take any puppy to a PetSmart or any pet warehouse type store. The number of out of control dogs & clueless owners there rule it out as a place I would consider as a good experience for an impressionable young dog. The risk for a mistake is too great, in my opinion. Everyone has to do what feels right for them and many people feel this is fine. I disagree with your breeder, respectfully.

I hope this helps,
Cindy Rhodes

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