April 22, 2011

My dog killed two sheep today. He has killed cats. We originally thought he was just playing rough – it seems he has a taste for this.

Full Question:

My name is Lisa. I have a 3 1/2 year old Shepard male named Bud. I found him when he was a few months old and so I'm not sure about his temperaments in blood lines. We recently had some sheep on the property and he got loose and killed two. He has killed cats before but we thought he was playing too hard. Today he went after a calf, but luckily I was there to stop it. I punished him but it doesn't seem to do anything. I don't want to put him down. Is there any thing to do to get him to stop? He isn't aggressive towards other people unless he feels I'm at threat and he isn't aggressive towards other dogs, just plays hard. Please, if you have any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Lisa & Bud
Ed Ed's Answer:
Keep the dog in a chain link kennel when you are not out with him. No exceptions.

I would never allow the dog out of the kennel without an electric collar on – a very good one – like the Dogtra 2000 (read about them on my web site)

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