April 22, 2011

I have a 1 year old German Shepherd that is aggressive towards little kids. I'm not comfortable putting the dog in another room when kids come over. What can I do?

Full Question:
I have a year old German Shepherd, and seems to be aggressive towards little kids. I have had him since he was 7 months old. There are no children in the house, just 3 adults. He has not been professionally trained, just basic trained.. like "No," "sit," "shake" etc....He has never showed any aggression towards adults, just kids. He will bark and try to bite kids. I hate locking him in a room while little kids are around. I think it might be the voices of the kids, that he doesn't like. He is real weird when it comes to noises, for example we were measuring a room and I had the tape measure out and the snapping noise of it he didn't like and he started barking/mounting at me and nipping my leg telling me to stop. It was a weird reaction of him. What should I do?

Thank you,
Ed Ed's Answer:
This is a people problem. You need to train this dog. It has weak nerves and will develop into a fear biter if you don’t make some changes.

The dog does not need a separate room it needs a dog crate. This dog is going to bite a child and you are going to be faced with some serious legal problems. Saying that you wont lock the dog in a room is like saying you don’t believe in putting a loaded gun away when kids come over. It is the same thing.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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