April 22, 2011

I have raised and kept 4 adult females in my home at one time. This is how I did it.

Full Question:
I have enjoyed your Q/A about dogfights very much. I have had success in having up to four female, some intact some spade, GSD's living in my home and not fighting. All of the newcomers were introduced at 8 weeks and grew up believing the oldest dog was in charge. I supported the oldest dog in her position in the pack. These were not pet quality pooches of indiscriminate breeding. They are all DDR X WGr. working lines. As the older dogs died off, the next in line assumed the top position. Now I have a 3 year old and a 7-month-old puppy that I think may have a discussion about position as the pup nears maturity but I expect it will take place out of my sight. The 3 yr. old rose to the top in four months by reason of two deaths and I am not sure she is real comfortable as the leader and may allow this extremely confident puppy take over without much of a fight. At this point, they can have nice meaty bones in close proximity and trade without a hassle. Of course the bottom line is I am the Alpha and they are cognizant of that.

Bar Harbor, ME
Ed Ed's Answer:
You have done it right. If something like this is going to work, it will only work by introducing the new dogs as 8-week-old puppies. But as you mention - even then this does not always work.

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