April 22, 2011

My 1 1/2 year old GSD attacked and killed my daughters baby goat. Is this normal behavior for an untrained dog or should I be concerned?

Full Question:

My 1 1/2 year old GSD bitch went through and accidentally opened gate and attacked and killed my daughters baby goat, I was present during the attack and know that her training is not what is should be. I could not call her off the goat, but did eventually get to the goat to pick it up and put in the barn out of her reach. We have since worked on her training, recall etc.. But I would still not trust her with any livestock. My Question is is this just normal behavior for an untrained dog or should I be more concerned about this. We have two young children and have not had a problem with her but do not intend to either and will do whatever it takes to insure that. I have contemplated having her put down as the attack was extremely vicious, but have trouble with that thought. I would great appreciate any thoughts!

Thank you,
T. C.
Ed Ed's Answer:
I have a difficult time with emails like this.

This has nothing to do with a dogs propensity to attack humans. It would be a travesty to put this dog down because you thought it was a danger to your children. The odds of dogs that do this becoming aggressive to humans is very very very small.

This is an issue of you making a mistake and not controlling or training your dog. You should not have allowed it to be near the goat. This is not the dogs problem its your mistake. The dog is not trained - that is not the dogs problem its your mistake.

The dog has strong prey drive, it should not be killed for that.

Train this dog. Get a prong collar and train it.

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