April 26, 2011

My 1 year old male GSD starts a fight with my 8 year old female GSD. Once the fight has started, my 10 year old GSD joins in. What can I do?

Full Question:
I have three GSD. I have 2 females and 1 male. The females are old one is 10 and one is 8. I got a male he's 1 years old and ever since he became a year old he's been starting a fight with my 8 year old GSD its an everyday situation. It always starts with him. He would just jump on her out of the blue she could be lying down taking a nap or in the middle of scratching herself once my male GSD jumps on her my 10 year old GSD gets in on the fight. One is biting on her legs in the back and one is biting her face all to pieces. Then the Male GSD would run off and its the females fighting. my females never fought before and they're both fixed. Like I said this is an everyday situation I don't think my 8 year old GSD can take this kind of beating everyday. She'll limp on one leg, and one of her ears don't stand up anymore because my male chewed it to pieces. I've read in one of your paragraphs that its unusual for a male and female to fight so why does my male start a fight everyday with my female? She's very submissive to him so I don't know what the problem is. Oh and this doesn't happen when I'm always around I could be at work and when I get home my neighbor would call and say there was another dog fight. All my GSD are all trained from the inside of my home to the outside. I could bring my male in my home and he'll play with my cats that he grew up with he can get along with my cats but not along with my female dog? Every time he looks at her its with an evil look I just understand why he hates her so much she's never done anything to him. Well hopefully you can help. Thank you for your time.

Ed Ed's Answer:
This is 100% an owner created problem. I too feel sorry for your female.
  1. Your dogs do not have a pack structure with a strong pack leader – that is suppose to be your job and you have failed at it. When dogs have a strong pack leader they don’t fight in the presence of the leader because they know the leader will not allow it. This is the last thing that would happen in my home because my dogs know the result of my corrections would be devastating to them .

  2. Read the article I wrote titled THE THEORY OF CORRECTIONS IN DOG TRAINING. It's also on a free podcast on my web site.

  3. Your dogs ARE NOT OBEDIENCE TRAINED – you don’t even have to tell me -- I know they are not. Get my Basic Dog Obedience DVD.

  4. You also need 3 dog crates. These dogs need to be separated. Read the article I wrote on HOW TO INTRODUCE A NEW DOG INTO A HOME WITH OTHER DOGS.


  6. I believe that the DVD I recently finished could really help you. It’s titled DEALING WITH DOMINANT AND AGGRESSIVE DOGS and it was a 5 year project.
This DVD is 3 ½ hours long. You can go to the web page and read the outline of what’s included on the video. My DVDs are not meant to be watched one time. The fact is anyone who needs this information needs to watch it many times because every time they watch it they will pick up new ideas.

For the sake of your dogs I hope you take the steps to educate yourself on the issues I talk about above. If you don’t then the best thing you can do is re-home your dogs.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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