April 28, 2011

I'm not sure if I should buy two separate units (one for each of my dogs) or one two-dog model. What do you suggest?

Full Question:
I'm just looking for some quick guidance on the electronic dog collars. I will be ordering your training video and the collars from your web site. However, I'm not sure if I should buy two separate units (one for each of my dogs) or one two-dog model.

I have a male 100 lb+ Pit Bull mix and a female Border Collie mix. Both are rescue dogs and both have become very aggressive when they see other dogs. My dogs never fight with each other during rowdy play or over toys or food. However, when they are together and they see another dog, the male Pit Bull attacks my female Border Collie - especially if she barks at the other dog (which she does about 99% of the time). This scenario is the only time he is anything other than submissive to her. When she barks at another dog, all bets are off. He's never broken her skin - but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I am committed to getting this under control. This example also happens in the house if they see another dog walk by through the window.

They both need an electronic collar. If I'm trying to control them when they are simultaneously being aggressive as in the above example, won't it be difficult to "toggle" back and forth with the two-dog model or am I making it more difficult than it is? Would it be more effective to be holding a separate unit in each hand? At the moment I have to walk them separately to keep them from fighting each other when they see another dog. Also because the male is so strong I can't yet control more than just him on a walk if we encounter another dog. My goal is to some day be able to walk them together.

Yes, I'm using the prong collars (with the back up dominant dog collar) on our walks. Using the prong collar has resulted in a huge improvement in my ability to handle my dogs. I had no idea how to properly fit and use the prong collars until I found your excellent website a week ago.

Thank you for your input on my one or two collar question.

Long Beach, CA
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I use the Dogtra 282 on my 2 Malinois every day. You don’t have to toggle back and forth; this unit has an orange button for one dog and a black button for the other. It’s much easier to deal with than 2 separate remotes, in my experience. (The only photo on there is the one dog unit, but the two dog has two different color collar straps that correspond with the buttons on the transmitter).

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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