British Columbia Wolf hey, hmmm… new one. Strange looking breed. And used as guard dogs?? I can see pacing the perimeter looking for an exit but they must be breeding a lot of shepherd into those guys. Okay, we won't go there.
But Amy, I just wanted to point out that the article actually got it right, if that dog does have any wolf him. They used the term "wolfdog". The term "hybrid" is really over used as a descriptor for these lower-content wolf dogs.
A bit of an example. Just say the word Hybrid and people automatically assume you're talking about wolf crosses.
But if you took say... a pure Fox Hound and bred it with a pure Dachshund, you'd probably get a pretty Foxy Doxy but that pup could also be considered a Fox Hound Hybrid or a Dachshund Hybrid.
You've got two known, pure, origins that are being combined to create that hybrid. Much like they do with plants.
But when you start to breed that pure hybrid (is that an oxymoron?) to other breeds, (let's say a Rat Terrier for fun) sure, it may have some Fox Hound in it but it's no longer a Fox Hound Hybrid. Probably more like a Ratty Foxy Doxy.
And much like this dog, simply saying a British Columbia wolf (not a breed by the way) says they don't know the real origin of the parents and something tells me it wasn't one of the wolves we have up here. It's probably the information they got from the owners who simply bought a cute puppy at face value with a lot of talk thrown in there.
But all that aside, a hybrid is a known wolf that's bred to a known dog. Wolfdogs are the unknown mixes, lower contents and more diluted lines which make up the majority of wolfdogs out there.
And of course it can go the other way, where another known wolf is bred with that hybrid to produce the higher content wolfdogs but then we're not dealing with the crossing of two pure species or varieties that the term "hybrid" refers to and you start getting into the "F" generational things. True hybrids are not very common.
The article is refreshing in that it did use the correct term; the information is getting out there.
Much like the term "Pit Bull". Just say the word Pit Bull and it conjures up all kinds of feelings for people. And it’s a lot to do with the way they've been portrayed. How often do you hear Staffordshire terrier terrorizes town or Pit Bull saves baby's life. It's always portrayed the opposite way.
Please don’t get me wrong, I in NO WAY condone the cross breeding of these guys but they are out there and need knowledgeable rescue just like any other animal that is spared the needle.
Just trying to do my part to clear up the negative overuse of the word “hybrid” that people have become so complacent with.
Total semantics but it's one of those things that has just as skewed a perspective as a wolf guard dog that eats oatmeal.
Tresa, I'm not sure what you're referring to here but I hope it's not the innocent animals that are the product of man’s stupidity. I hope it's the actions of the men and women that chose to create and sell these animals to an ill informed public for profit and ego.
Okay, there's my rant for the year. Really happy to hear that this boy has a decent home now though and a job.
I actually really like these types of institutional programs and am much happier seeing my tax dollars go to something like this rather than a lot of other things happening out there.