..... it occurred to me as I prepared the THK food how much volume it was! I think we may be overfeeding her as if she's still a growing puppy. I'm going to try cutting her back to 1 1/2 C instead of 2 cups-and weighing it.
Connie--If that doesn't work I'll try the rice diet. Should we take another stool sample to the vet in case she still has giardia?
"THK isn't microwaved or cooked in any way in prep, by the way"
Connie, is it okay to just warm it up in the microwave for just a few seconds since it is coming out of the refrigerator?
I would try the reduced meal size, see what happens. (I would do one thing at a time.)
Of course you can microwave it if you want, but you are paying for raw food that's carefully dehydrated at temps high enough to kill pathogens but low enough not to cook the food. Microwaving it completely undoes this.
Adding in some hot water (not boiling) and stirring it up would bring the food closer to room temp without microwaving it.
Yes, if the smaller more frequent meals and the diarrhea diet fail to produce log poops, or if the poops get worse, regardless of whether I had had time to try the dietary experiments, I would talk with the vet about re-testing (or just treating) for giardia.
About raw: lots of dogs are suspicious of raw meat after a lifetime on commercial foods. There are many ways to introduce it to reduce the suspicion.
But I would not make the switch during a bout of diarrhea. A lot of the gauging of correct bone-to-meat relies on poop-watching, and poop is also the guide for whether you have added something (like a new red meat, or organ meat) too fast, and a lot of other things, too.
Ideally, I'd first want the dog to be producing the best poops he can, and I'd want a no-giardia report. JMO!
You mentioned not wanting to handle raw meat ..... well, that's not optional.
I'm a long-time vegetarian too, so I get it, but I can tell you very truly that there is plenty of raw meat involved. And digestible bones, as Lori mentioned (she mentioned chicken backs, my favorite beginner RMB), are absolutely critical, so it can't be a matter of dumping stewing beef or ground turkey into a bowl. There's organ meat, too. IOW, there is no glossing over it: there is plenty of raw meat involved. (Of course, there are commercial raw diets, but they are even more spendy than THK, and also, with this dog, you wouldn't start with a full-on complete raw diet; you'd start with one item, like {again} chicken backs, so there's really no getting around it.)
I'm a long-time raw feeder, and I'm NOT trying to talk anyone out of what I think is the best diet for most dogs, but I'd hate for anyone to go into it thinking there might be a hands-off but still reasonably-priced way to do it.
BTW, I don't give hot water from the tap (or use it in people food or beverages, either) because water from the hot tap is
far more likely to have leached heavy metal (like lead solder from old plumbing) from your plumbing pipes than cold water is. So I flush the standing pipe-water after it's been unused for many hours and, more importantly (IMO), I don't use hot tap water for consumption. It takes very little time to heat cold tap water to below-boiling (on the burner or in the microwave). In my house, in fact, it's usually faster than it would be to run the tap water long enough to get it hot.
All JMO!