Mary, yourself and many other members of this forum have provided me a wealth of information regarding this injury. Maintaining the integrity of that information as well providing the most accurate account of my experience will override any hesitation I may have in exposing my errors.
I was hesitant about posting this update, knowing full well what I had allowed was going against the Dr's very strong advice as well as the very knowledgeable information I have received here.
We have an acre of land at our home. Last weekend the snow/ice had just come off and we were out clearing up the lawn of all the hidden winter treasures. I had him tethered to me and the other dogs were out, frisky in the spring air, enjoying themselves.
I’m sure you and many folks here know the determination and energy of the dog I'm dealing with. The forlorn look on his face just broke my heart. I let him go. He ran and ran. Nothing purposeful, just circling the yard in happiest gait I've seen in a long time.
As well, with the snow off all the lower roads, and the evening staying lighter longer, taking him to the mountains and walking on a dirt road (well mud) as opposed to walking him up and down our streets, didn't seem like that big of a stretch. Letting him off the leash was.
I didn't let him wander more than about 15 feet in either direction and the walks weren't quite a half an hour (she said we could increase it a bit depending on how he was presenting) but, yes, there was some trotting around.
Mary, I don't think anyone can be any harder on me than I've been on myself, thinking I'm not capable of following simple directions and how devastating that impact can be.
I really do appreciate your direct approach. It has hit home and given me that "wake up" poke (well, I'm taking it more like a sledge hammer over the head), to knock me off that path of complacency that I was certainly headed. He doesn't look any worse for wear, at this point, but I can see where continuing on this path is far too premature.
I don't know what went on in 2006 but that was just the help I was looking for, Thank You!
And Ben, you are correct, on both counts. The diversion tactic failed and applying a dose of Advantix will have no adverse reaction while on prednisone - straight from a vet. I was going to book an appointment if Vince's vet was there, just for an interim, cursory check, but he's not back until April 1st.
And Kiersten, the snow is off the lower ground where we are. Traveling half a mile up will get us into a good foot and half still. And yeah, seems early but we've had ticks early as early as March 24th and the weather's been really nice the last few days, 15 C. on Friday. A bit unusual and plenty warm to bring them out.
And yeah, hard doesn't begin to describe it. Please folks, keep your dogs safe, these injuries are just no fun at all.