Gotta love these peeing stories. Raised with only brothers and a husband with brothers, the stories abound. We won't get into the dares over the electric fence or keeping coyotes away from a fresh kill on a hunt but that pee is some pretty powerful stuff in the minds of some humans (I'm sure it's just the males), let alone our primal dogs.
But Tresa, back to thinking about some of the stuff you've written here, I understand that you're wanting us to understand that you have a rather dominant, stubborn Dutch Shepherd that's so bad ass (you know, bad because his ass is in the wrong place when he's letting the broncos emerge) that he even poops over other dog's poop. (not something I've seen either)
And from what I'm getting, he's so determined to continue this bad ass shit that he's even holding his poop and saving it for when he can spread his bad assness (that has to be a word) on these outings, where and when he chooses.
I don't quite get the "marking" in the middle of the road but who knows, their sense of smell is way better than ours.
He has no fear of anything and there's been no chance of any trauma around the yard.
If I remember correctly, you live with your parents right? And Logan is kenneled outside, not allowed indoors? And if so, is there a reason for this? Has he been a shit disturber in the past or is it just they are (and maybe you) of the mind that dog's should not be in the house? And don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, a very common belief and way of life for many dogs.
And you've had him for six years?
Also, you made a statement a few posts back, something to the affect that Logan is fed at 11:00 in the evening and there is a reason for that. You didn't mention that reason. Can I ask what it is?
He's also dog aggressive right? And didn't he have some kind of issue with your lawn mower?
And sorry Tresa, this barrage of questions is just me being curious. I was out picking the overabundance of plums on our tree,
trying to figure out what to do with them. That got me thinking about how the heck are prunes made? And well you know, prunes got me thinking about pooping and poof, Logan pops in my head as Vince is snapping away, keeping the bees at bay.
You can tell me to go pound sand and no problem, I'll go look for a hammer and enjoy the rest of my day. Those are just the plums I can reach. Gotta find some kind of stool. Oh man, I won’t even touch that one.
But as well as training this bark, I think in order to really help you with this, getting a more rounded understanding of this boy may help.
I know what I'd do if he was my dog but we live under a completely different set of circumstances. However, it would all start with the relationship and NILIF.
And please don't, in any way, think I'm saying that you don't have a fantastic relationship with Logan, because I think you do. Relationships are a really neat thing though, in that they're always evolving - changing and developing. We learn new things about this wonderful species, our dogs, every day.
You've got a bit of a kink that needs to be ironed out and while very different, to me it almost seems kind of like a dog that's learned not to return a ball. In your mind, he's controlling this situation, and in a few ways, maybe he is.
However, it's not like we can take away or ignore his right to poop. We sure can play with it though. No, no, not the poop but our actions and the circumstances around it.
If you say he's holding it for days on end, knowing you'll finally give, I don't know, I think I'd be working with that.
Okay, I'll go away now. Me and my shitty thoughts are going back to the plum tree. It's that stupid tree's fault I came in and typed any of this.