Michael Ellis - Engagement Training with His Dog Pi

Uploaded on May 3, 2011 • 4 min
While Michael Ellis was visiting Leerburg during the week of April 26th, we filmed our new training DVDs. In addition, we filmed several training sessions of Michael and his dog Pi. In this video, you will see a dog that is extremely engaged with his handler, you will see Michael working on capping his dog's drive for a tug reward, and you will see how playing tug with your dog builds engagement and drive.


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August 23, 2021
This is like ballet!! Super great work, what a pleasure to watch.
November 23, 2018
hes a jedi master. Hope Pi is still with us. Raises the bar for me and my dogs-haha
joy to watch a super well trained dog-Ellis is the best trainer out there right now
June 28, 2016
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