Puppy Bite Development with Michael Ellis & Favor Video

Uploaded on August 6, 2014 • 6 min
In this short session, Michael is introducing the foundation skills 11 week old Favor will need to prepare her for a career in protection sports. Favor's parents are Endeavor du Loups du Soleil MR1 (owned by Forrest Micke) and Escobar du Cote Obscur FR3 (owned by Chad Hunter).


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July 26, 2021
What's the name of the long line and harness being used?
August 8, 2014
I really appreciate these short clips as they give me insight into the direction I need to be talking with my helper at club about. Thank You!
August 7, 2014
Great video clip. I really enjoyed watching this. Such a calm firm bite. It really is great to watch Michael work with these young pups. This one I can just see the bright future. Very impressive! Thanks
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