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Utilizing Multiple Reward Markers with Ryan Maciej - Part 2
Uploaded on January 23, 2018 •
9 min
Last week, Ryan covered how to add additional reward markers to our obedience training to cue the dog based on the rewards placement. This gives us more flexibility to reward our dog with various reward placements depending on the situation. We utilize this for a wide range of training disciplines, including hunting dogs to ensure they are steady on the line, as well as protection sport dogs to reinforce their line of departure and commitment to the handler during protection routines. This week, Ryan talks about adding a 4th marker ‘Thru’ to help keep our dogs straight in their fronts. We also talk about having the dog begin to distinguish between the various markers we’ve conditioned them to which cue them to look for a reward in a specific location. Stay tuned for next week when Michael Ellis explains some tips to playing with a ball on a string!