Advanced Luring

Uploaded on December 27, 2018 • 4 min

In our Basic Obedience DVD, we teach the correct way to lure a dog during the learning phase of an exercise, like the sit or down. In our Intermediate Dog Obedience course/DVD, we cover advanced luring, which is used in the learning phase of so many life skills we use with our dog every day.

For new trainers, proper luring is an important skill for the trainer to learn. But learning how to fade a lure as quickly as possible is just as important. We teach trainers how to fade the lure into a gesture, and then when and how to fade the gesture into a voice command. Doing this correctly results in very clean communication between the trainer and the dog. It also makes training go much quicker.

This video is taken directly out of our online course/DVD, Intermediate Dog Obedience.


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