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2002 Schutzhund USA National Championship - Part 1
Uploaded on January 1, 2008 •
1 hr, 59 min
2002 Schutzhund USA National Championship held in Gadsden, Alabama. There were 141 entries in the competition. Featured in this video are the obedience and protection performances of: Thomas Vollrath & Nykos v Grysycos (GSD)96-96-96=288 5th place, T Floyd & Diego-Nick v Hildernisse (GSD)98-90-92=280 14th place , Craig Wandtke & Xorro vd Duvetorre (Malinois)95-78-99=272 36th place, Gary Hanrahan & Bastin v Kokeltal (GSD) 99-97-97=293 1st place, Doug Surber & Artemis v Kierdern Tal (GSD) 90-91-95=276 24th place, Greg Bennett & Troy v Hause Welz (GSD) 97-94-97=288 4th place. This DVD is being offered for its historical significance to the sport of schutzhund.
The image quality of this streaming video is nowhere near the quality it was when it was originally filmed. It is also nowhere near the quality of our current Leerburg training DVDs.
Many of the older dog shows and competitions were not encoded into a computer format until the video tapes were 20 to 25 years old. Over the years, the image quality of video tape deteriorates. These older dog shows are being offered for their historical significance. That's why we are streaming videos for its current price which originally sold for up to $100.00.
These videos are no longer offered on DVDs.
2002 Schutzhund USA National Championship held in Gadsden, Alabama. There were 141 entries in the competition. Featured in this video are the obedience and protection performances of: Thomas Vollrath & Nykos v Grysycos (GSD)96-96-96=288 5th place, T Floyd & Diego-Nick v Hildernisse (GSD)98-90-92=280 14th place , Craig Wandtke & Xorro vd Duvetorre (Malinois)95-78-99=272 36th place, Gary Hanrahan & Bastin v Kokeltal (GSD) 99-97-97=293 1st place, Doug Surber & Artemis v Kierdern Tal (GSD) 90-91-95=276 24th place, Greg Bennett & Troy v Hause Welz (GSD) 97-94-97=288 4th place. This DVD is being offered for its historical significance to the sport of schutzhund.
The image quality of this streaming video is nowhere near the quality it was when it was originally filmed. It is also nowhere near the quality of our current Leerburg training DVDs.
Many of the older dog shows and competitions were not encoded into a computer format until the video tapes were 20 to 25 years old. Over the years, the image quality of video tape deteriorates. These older dog shows are being offered for their historical significance. That's why we are streaming videos for its current price which originally sold for up to $100.00.
These videos are no longer offered on DVDs.