Over Training Syndrome

Uploaded on February 28, 2011 • 5 min
This video is more of a warning than a training video. It concerns people who train their dogs too much and too often. It's called OVER TRAINING SYNDROME. If you are around dog sports long enough, you will see the people I am talking about, they train every day and they never take time off.

This isn't a problem most people have, but some people do. Those that do have this problem need to step back and realize what it is doing to their dogs.

February 28, 2011 | 5 Minutes, 56 Seconds


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July 28, 2022
A very good video, sometimes giving the dog a break for a week can work wonders when training a behaviour things appear to slot into place, we all need breaks.
October 29, 2014
I have found that moderation is the key with most things, and this video and your explanation and warning are very well worded and good to know.
November 2, 2013
As in everything, all things in moderation. Sometimes we lose sight and obsess about things, sort of like an addiction. Great video!
June 14, 2013
Loved your info. Sadly while taking a dog trainer course, I lost sight of this overtraining syndrome for my dog and she is showing me she needs a break. All I was training was behaviors, not bite work, or physically stressful behaviors, just mentally challenging behaviors. I was trying to get ready for my final for my dog trainer course and lost sight of this issue of overtraining. I thank you for a reminder about this syndrome. I had been careful before, but again as I said, lost sight of it.
Thanks again for great videos and information. I have been coming to this site for over 5 years and have always enjoyed it.
Today my dog and I are going to have a short training session, maybe 5 minutes (probably less) and then have a blast just playing together. She loves it when I take her out in the back and play with her, so today that is what we will do. Thanks again for a trusted recourse. Sharon
February 17, 2013
I was just recently told about you and your website for a training toy, my pepper and salt giant fell IN LOVE with in my puppy class. My teacher, (the dog already knows it all..) is an advocate of all your methods, and I have watched 2 videos now. (ordering 2 more tonight...) WOW... is all I can say.

What an eye opening experience to raising a pup CORRECTLY. Yes it is work, and yes, I suck at it. But, he is forgiving, and I am stressing less about being the perfect mom. I have a tough act to follow, my breeder, Liz at leadenpenny giant schnauzers up in dunwich, is quite the dog lady.

No worries, as my lil Rudiger is doing super thanks to all your help TO ME. His adoring stare, thanks to treats and my marker, ahem, make me so appreciate a website like this and all the free videos... the puppy tug o war chew is also a huge hit. Thank you for all you do, and this was a nice reality hit. Don't overdue it, like my mother said, anything in moderation.
January 5, 2013
Good info.

BTW, what is and where can we get a ball like that?
August 26, 2012
I am a 1st time dog owner (English Mastiff 7 months old). This video gave me a benchmark for training my dog. Good stuff.
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