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The Protection Theory Class at the Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers
Uploaded on November 14, 2011 •
6 min
Today we are featuring a short video produced by our friend Forrest Micke (an instructor at the Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers) on the Protection Theory classes and Decoy Clinic offered at the Michael Ellis School For dog Trainers.
February 7, 2017
Enjoyable video to watch. Its interesting to watch the training that goes into protection work, including the decoys learning and having fun with it. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those bites even in a suit! Looks like a fun/challenging line of work to do this type of training.
February 6, 2016
Incredible students! The various training that it requires to be a decoy to train in protection work. I understand that this takes practice in order to move properly as not have the dog harm himself on impact. I have seen training of this caliber while I served as a Marine, and have seen dogs get broken bones etc. Sometimes fatal. Great clip.
June 28, 2014
WOW! That's Awesome to watch. Really looks like they were having a lot fun... while learning from one of the BEST. Great job instructor Michael!!!
December 13, 2012
Enjoyed watching people interested in protection work. Those in the video also appeared to enjoy it too. This is obviously a credit to the instruction. The video itself was fun to watch, especially with the music. Great job Michael and Leerburg!