Schutzhund the Dog Sport
Locked: You must purchase this stream to view it Schutzhund the Dog Sport
4 stars (1 reviews)
1 hr, 3 min
January 1, 2008
This video is intended to educate the viewer on what the sport of Schutzhund is all about. You will learn how the sport was formed and why Schutzhund is the reason German bloodline dogs are so much better than American dogs. There is a section detailing the origins and the history of Schutzhund and a section explaining the various Schutzhund titles. Much of this video was filmed in Germany. The image quality of this streaming video is nowhere near the quality it was when it was originally filmed. It is also nowhere near the quality of our current Leerburg training DVDs. Many of the older dog shows and competitions were not encoded into a computer format until the video tapes were 20 to 25 years old. Over the years, the image quality of video tape deteriorates. These older dog shows are being offered for their historical significance. That's why we are streaming videos for its current price which originally sold for up to $100.00. These videos are no longer offered on DVDs.
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Schutzhund the Dog Sport

Uploaded on January 1, 2008 • 1 hr, 3 min
This video is intended to educate the viewer on what the sport of Schutzhund is all about. You will learn how the sport was formed and why Schutzhund is the reason German bloodline dogs are so much better than American dogs. There is a section detailing the origins and the history of Schutzhund and a section explaining the various Schutzhund titles. Much of this video was filmed in Germany.

The image quality of this streaming video is nowhere near the quality it was when it was originally filmed. It is also nowhere near the quality of our current Leerburg training DVDs.

Many of the older dog shows and competitions were not encoded into a computer format until the video tapes were 20 to 25 years old. Over the years, the image quality of video tape deteriorates. These older dog shows are being offered for their historical significance. That's why we are streaming videos for its current price which originally sold for up to $100.00.

These videos are no longer offered on DVDs.


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4.1 stars (9 ratings)
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June 23, 2014
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