The Stages of Young Dog Bite Development

Uploaded on July 7, 2011 • 7 min
We recently finished our latest DVD titled The foundation of Puppy Bite Work with Michael Ellis.

Michael has broken protection training young dogs into categories based on age and the development stage of various training skills.

In this DVD, Michael explains each of these categories. He explains how he has established a detailed step by step training program that carries a young puppy or dog through and into the next category.

In the following video, Michael discusses these stages of development. The video was taken directly out of the DVD.

I would like to mention that these new DVDs are all instantly available from our Video on Demand. We recently changed the rental period from 3 months to 12 month. We are currently working on the computer coding to change our Video on Demand rental period to an unlimited time period. In other words if a customer buys a VOD, they will have access to it forever. When we do this it will be retroactive.


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