New Q&As
Hi Cindy, I have a 7 month working line German Shepherd. I have been training him since I got him at 8 weeks old. He is wonderful at home and very obedient. However, as he got older his aggression towards other dogs increased. I have been working with a trainer who is very experienced and we have tried everything; a prong collar he gets more stimulated, a gentle leader did nothing, I tried rolling up a face towel and when he would start to stare at another dog, just before lunging I would bon...
Hello Cindy. This is about a 3-year-old, male border collie dog, it's not a fearful dog, He is confident and he has advanced obedience training, and also agility training. He can walk among people in malls, markets, and massive events keeping quiet and relaxed but if a stranger whether a woman, man, adult, or kid, approaches and tries to pet him, he reacts with aggression, even if people only praise him from a distance. He won't do it with people he knows. I would like the dog to stop reacti...
Hi Cindy, I am letting my 6-month-old puppy play with another dog that I trust in the morning to burn off some energy before work. How will this affect our engagement? Is it setting the foundation that other dogs are more fun and will make recall and engagement in the presence of distractions later on more difficult? I want to make sure as he gets older we continue to progress to a solid recall and solid sit in the face of all distractions. Rescued this puppy about a month ago. ...
Popular Q&As
Hello Ed & Cindy, I'm writing today regarding my mother's year old spayed female GSD. She was purchased by my 18 year old brother who didn't do groundwork before leaving for college. She is loving & intelligent, but extremely stubborn and dominant. I've never had a dog this frustrating to train. She is teetering on the edge of needing to find a new home because of her behavioral issues. I'm hoping that you can suggest specific DVDs and articles that are most fitting for her issues. We'...
We have an almost 7mth Malinois who when we drop off at daycare, is showing separation anxiety. He tries doing these little nips at the staff when they put him in the runs in the beginning of the day. They said the rest of the day, he is perfect; it's just right after drop off happens. He starts crying when we pull up to the clinic not wanting to go but then they say he does excellent all day long! We don't get it. Just want to address the nipping issues because some techs are starting to get a ...
What is the shipping stress on puppies? I will be getting an 8 week old German Shepherd by air. The flight should only be one to one and a half hours.
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I have a 4-year-old male large 80-pound dog that I tried to use Pure positive (I know better now) trainers and behavior vet. He has a very high Prey drive and is selectively reactive to certain dogs and people. He was pushed by a intact Samoyed at age 1 yr (he was intact at the time) dog got into his space he attempted to warn the dog to back off and a fight ensued. He has since been highly reactive with select Dogs and some people. He also has an insane high prey drive and has taken both myself...
I learned of Leerburg from a breeder’s website . I spent considerable time reading your material and viewing your content. I’m impressed with your knowledge, expertise, and emphasis on building relationships/engagement with your dog. I'm a 50-year-old interested in becoming a first-time dog owner with no dog training history. Your training courses are appealing. I’m seeking a big dog that has high loyal tendencies. I want to be good for the dog and the dog good for me. With work and ad...
Hello, I have a question about 2 female rescues we adopted a couple years ago. They are supposedly littermates, and at the least have been together since they were puppies. They've had a history fighting, but lately they have become much more violent. A fight yesterday required a trip to the vet for wounds. I've read on the site that adopting two dogs from the same litter can be problematic. But given we are already in the situation, is it worth trying to go through the "Groundwork to becomin...