May 03, 2011

I have always heard that feeding your dog chicken bones is not safe. Now everyone is talking about the natural diet and feeding chicken necks and back. Is it safe?

Full Question:
Hi Ed,

I have a question on feeding chicken & turkey necks, wings etc. I have always been told you never give your dog chicken bones or pork bones because they will splinter, get caught in the throat, or puncture the stomach! Now I hear people feeding raw meat to dogs, chicken necks, turkey necks wings etc. How good is this for your pet and is this a safe idea?

Thank you!!!
Ed Ed's Answer:
It is very safe – these bone are fine if fed raw – they get brittle if they are cooked. When have you heard of a wolf or fox that dies from eating a chicken? I feed my dogs raw chicken bones several times a week. Plus I have never heard of one documented case of a dog dying of Torsion that is on a raw food diet.

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