May 03, 2011

How do you get around rabies vaccinations at the vet when you live in a state that requires them? And are over the counter things at places like Pet Smart okay for parasites and worms?

Full Question:
Hello: Thank you for delivering this valuable information about vaccinations. My question is two part:

1. If you live in a state like we do, N. Carolina, that requires rabies vaccinations, how do you get around that so that you can still take your dog to the vet for other needed services?

2. Do dogs have to be vaccinated to protect from worms and parasites or does that over the counter stuff at Pet Smart work?

Thank you,
Linda and Brad
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Our vet doesn’t ask about our dogs vaccines if we take them in for x-rays or other services. If my vet pushed for vaccines to come in for other services I would discontinue spending my money at their place of business.

If you are concerned about worms, then you need to occasionally drop a stool sample off at your vet. We only give wormer as needed, not as a preventative. I would not use anything I bought at Pet Smart for this.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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