May 03, 2011

Our dog, Libby is hyperactive at times. She starts to huff or hyperventilates, ramming into things in a drunken state. Is there anything we can do?

Full Question:

I would like to know if there is anything else we can do for our dog Libby. We took her to our local vet today. The Doctor wants to refer us to see a cardiologist (Dr. Wood) out of Portland. Libby is hyperactive at times. The last couple weeks when she gets excited she starts to huff or hyperventilate along with ramming into things in a drunken state. She snaps out of it but it's happening everyday now. The vet say she is fainting & going into seizure episodes.

The doctor did a chest xray and it showed she has a heart double in size. He mentioned the right side. And the liver looked real small. Her blood work shows everything else as normal. The doctor gives her 6 months to live without treatment.

Is there anything to reverse the size of her heart? She is still a puppy. Do you think she was born with this? Could this have been preventable?

Thank You for your time,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
For an accurate assessment, you will need a cardiologist. I had a Doberman years ago that had cardiomyopathy. Her heart was very enlarged also and she didn’t live more than a few months.

Please get her to a specialist as soon as you can, so you know what you are dealing with.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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