May 03, 2011

My GSD has knee problems. A vet told me he needs surgery on both knees. A friend who is a holistic vet says there is no need for surgery. What do you think?

Full Question:
First of all, I rely heavily on your website and am purchasing 2 of your DVD's for training my white GSD and you have been a godsend in good advice!

Now to my problem: I read Q&A number 47 "My 14 month old GSD favors a back leg after playing..." My 5 year old 110 pound mastiff mix also has knee problems. The orthopedic specialist said she needs an $8000 surgery (for both knees) called TLPO and that she has tears in her cruciate - he said both knees are blown and will never heal on their own - money is not a problem when caring for my dogs, that is not where I am going!

I have a very dear friend who is a highly regarded holistic vet and he believes that this surgery is not necessary at this time and that with diet, rest, and prolotherapy he can get her to go several more years if not for the rest of her life without this surgery.

I want to do what is best for my dog. She runs and plays with my 5mth old GSD, she goes on walks with us, jumps into our bed (when we are not paying attention!) and rarely limps. When she does limp 1 adult aspirin takes the limp away.

I am getting wordy, sorry! To sum it up - do you think it is safe to try the prolotherapy and hold off on the surgery until she truly seems to be in constant pain?

Thank you so much for your time and all the advice on your site - I love your podcasts!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
If this was my dog, I would get one more opinion. I am not a proponent of surgery, and avoid it at all cost. I guess that if the dog would not be in pain, and I would not cause the eventual surgery to be more extensive by waiting and trying the alternative therapy I would give it a try.

You can always do the surgery as a last resort.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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