May 03, 2011

My Australian Shepherd female has a bit of arthritis in the hips and was spastic. I plan on following your advice. How much swimming and Glucosamine should she get daily?

Full Question:
I recently took my 4 year old Australian Shepherd female in to get her hips x-rayed. The vet wanted to speak to me about the x-rays and said they were not going to pass. There was a little arthritis and she was spastic. A few days before the X ray I ran into your article and her and I talked about good positioning. The first one seemed to be decent but could have been better but it was extremely over exposed so she took a second one and my dog was crooked but you could see the problems in both films.

I'm planning on following your advice and routine and I will take her back in 6-8 months to see if anything is better. How much Glucosamine should she get a day and how much swimming. Is there anything else you can offer?

I do stock dog trials with her and she is a few points away from her WTCH. The breeder I purchased her from has been anxious to breed her because she has turned out to be such a nice dog in so many aspects.

What is your theory about her problems being from injury rather than hereditary. She has a bad habit of jumping up and looking in to our horse stalls. Like a pogo stick, she also jumps in and out of our ton Pick-up.

I've learned a lot these past few weeks things I should have done.

Next dog? No excessive jumping, I'm getting a ramp for my truck. Glucosamine at an earlier age. No excessive jogging before 1 year. X-ray my dog the first week after she/he turns 2 and possibly a pre-lim x-ray. Not have the x-rays done in the middle of winter.

I have a swimming pool but it is cold. We live in California in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Temperatures here range in the day from low 50s to 70s in the winter. Does it hurt a dog to swim when it is that cold? I know hunters take their dogs hunting and they love to get in the water and it's not a big deal at all. I guess I just feel guilty because I know she is going to feel like she is being punished. Any help on that issue? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would get a second opinion, from an orthopedic specialist. Most regular vets don’t have much training in how to determine the results of a hip xray. If the dog was crooked on the films, then I would not accept those anyway. You need perfect positioning and a vet that is well versed in evaluating orthopedics.

Our dogs would love to swim if the temperature was above freezing, but it really matters more about your dog’s tolerance and the temperature of the water. If the water is too cold it can cause muscle cramping which is not what you want for your dog to experience. Walking uphill low grade hills is also good exercise for a dog with joint issues.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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