May 03, 2011

I have two questions, one regarding taping ears and the other about a limp my pup has.

Full Question:

You have an awesome website. Obviously I have a GSD, 5 month old female who still has a few more puppy teeth to lose. She is from the Czech line and long hair. Her right ear likes to stand when running outside or sometimes just playing. But when it's back inside, the ears are just floppy. She's beautiful either way and my 2 GSD males love her too.

What is the latest you could go without trying the taping/skin gluing procedures? We will be going to the breeder in June when she'll have just turned 7months on our way to PCS to WA state, so she said she'd teach us the proper way to tape if they're not up by then. She is also with a left front leg limp that the breeder's vet dx as paneosteitis--it's been ongoing for 4 weeks now and we have her on Metacam 1x/day for a week, then our vet will try sedated films. My concern is the limp is all the time, not intermittent and doesn't fluctuate b/t legs. I am rather naive as to the pano or it possibly being OCD, etc. What is your experience or advice?

I may be crazy, but her little leg has me more concerned than the ears by a long shot. The breeder is wonderful as this is our 2nd GSD from her. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any help or advice.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
You don’t mention if the ears stood up by themselves before teething began?

Here is an article that covers when to tape ears.

Pano doesn’t always switch legs, so it’s possible that is what is affecting her leg. Really, without xrays it’s hard to say. Also be aware that the growth plates in the elbows don’t close til about 8 months of age, so getting elbow xrays now may not be conclusive. With all that said, If she were my pup and the limp had been constant for 4 weeks, I would seek the opinion of an orthopedic vet if restricting exercise and meds didn’t change it at all.

If you haven’t been restricting exercise (crate rest and on leash potty breaks only) , I would suggest you do that. Allowing her normal activity may be interfering with any healing that could be trying to take place.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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