May 03, 2011

I currently own a doberman/lab mix. Recently he has been experiencing hair loss along his body. Is there any solutuion that you have found to be effective?

Full Question:
I am a fan and a believer of your work. I have a small problem that I would like your advice on. Now, before I ask you I would like to say that I have done all the groundwork on this problem and conducted a great deal of research. I simple would like your own take on the matter since you have quite a number of years experience dealing with dogs.

I currently own a doberman/lab mix he is a bit dominant, but i have managed to solve this using your techniques. The problem is, recently he has been experiencing hair loss along his body due to what I believe are dermodex mites. I have used ivermectin and topical washes but after a couple weeks there has been little improvement. Is there any solution that you have found to be effective?

Thanks again
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Has this dog had skin scrapings done? I am not a fan of using drugs and chemicals on a dog unless I have no other options. If this dog does have demodex, then the first thing to look at is the status of his immune system. Typically this is seen in dogs who have been recently stressed by vaccines or surgery and are on a commercial diet.

If you spend some time using the search function (located in the upper left hand corner of the website) you will find many useful articles and posts that address some of the problems you are having. Type in demodectic mange and you will come up with a lot of information.

For information on vaccinations and the problems they cause please read our vaccinosis article. I ask that everyone do their own research and weigh the benefits and the risks of vaccinating their animals. We do not vaccinate our dogs, cats or horses here and will not sell puppies to people who insist on vaccinating and feeding kibble.

I would also recommend these 2 books, Shock to the System and Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats.

I would also evaluate the diet you have this dog on. Check out our feeding dogs section of the website.

Conventional veterinary medicine typically prescribes toxic chemicals and dips which further depress an already compromised immune system.

Most vets treat the mange, instead of treating the reasons that the dog showed mange symptoms in the first place. All dogs have demodex mites, and it’s only when the system is compromised that they cause a skin problem.

Here is a list of vets we have compiled to date, with the help of our customers. If you do not find a vet close by on our list, I would suggest doing a google search on holistic or homeopathic vets in your area.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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