May 05, 2011

My dog eats EVERYTHING. Is he going to outgrow this tendency and is there some explanation why he does this?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

My name is Leslie, my family and I rescued a Dobie last year he is 7 years old and a pretty good dog. I run him everyday 3-4 miles, so I don't think he is bored.

The problem is he eats everything, everyday, the minute I turn my back. Socks, panties, small dolls. He just went to the hospital for his second obstruction removal surgery. I'm not sure yet, but I think he ate a t-shirt.

So my question is there a way to train him to not do this, or should we get a muzzle for him? Do you have any idea.

I am kind of at the end of my rope, I really don't know what to do?

Thank you for your time.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It’s not unusual for some Dobermans to have pica (eating of non food items). It can be a form of obsessive/compulsive disorder, or a medical issue.

I wouldn’t let this dog have any free time where he has access to things he should not have. I’d keep him on a leash and if I felt that I couldn’t supervise him, then he’d be in a crate.

Article on Groundwork
Pack Structure for the Family Pet

I would probably use a muzzle when I had him out of his kennel, just for his own safety. A muzzle isn’t going to fix the problem though, and if you forget to put it on or he gets the muzzle off the problem will remain without training.

I’d use a muzzle, a crate and very strict training to keep this dog safe.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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