May 05, 2011

What are the risks of having my bitches x-rayed with a sedative for the hips when they are in season?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I came across your site tonight on a Google search re above, fascinating as I have golden retrievers, you are now in 'favourites' I need time to read and absorb so much information on HD. We do not have so much in UK.

My question is, & I seem to have something in the back of my mind, not to x ray nor put a bitch near her season under anesthetic but cannot totally remember the reasons why, some-one called and asked for advice, had been told by receptionist that there was absolutely no risk.

I read in one of your replies that you never x ray when in season but try & swim them for a month. Please can you tell me your reasons for this & results. What are the risks to have them x rayed with a sedative for the hips, which we still have many vets happy to do so, & incidently they are normally ex-panelists or very experienced responsible vets.

What a fantastic site & thank you all for sharing with us.

Kind Regards,
John & Beryl
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
The reply from me that you are referring to is for x-raying hips. When females are in season, they produce a hormone that causes the ligaments to become very loose. This can negatively affect the results of a hip evaluation.

I don’t ever have my dogs sedated for hip xrays anyway, I have a great vet that can do OFA quality films without the anesthesia. It’s safer for the dog and cheaper too.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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