May 05, 2011

My 8-month-old GSD pup was diagnosed with giardia. Will most dogs eventually respond to the meds or build an immunity to the giardia?

Full Question:
My 8 month old GSD pup was diagnosed with giardia. He is currently on his third dose of panacur and metro. He seems to be maintaining his weight and has a healthy appetite. In doing some reading, there are cases where the dogs die from heart or kidney failure with this parasite condition if not treated. In your experience, will most dogs eventually respond to the meds or build an immunity to the giardia? I am concerned as the previous two treatments were not effective. Thanks so much for any input you could provide on this topic.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Are you absolutely sure the dog has giardia? It’s sometimes hard to accurately diagnose, and some vets just treat for it because they aren’t sure what else to do.

I haven’t ever had a dog with giardia, but it’s my understanding that once the dog has it that it can flare up under times of stress. I don’t know that it ever really is “gone.” I do know that if I had a dog with giardia, I would not vaccinate him for anything ever again.

I’d als do as much as I can to boost his system and make him healthy in the ways I can control, like an all natural raw diet (no processed stuff).

If you dog is on his 3rd round of meds and it’s not helped him, if this was my dog I’d probably find another vet and get a second opinion. We have a list of vets that has been compiled by our customers and you can see it here. We are providing this list as a service; please do your own research into any health care provider you choose for your dogs.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum. I’m sure giardia has been discussed on our forum at some point, the search function will find it on our website if it’s been written about.

Good luck with your dog let me know how he does.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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