May 05, 2011

Out of our litter of 10, I noticed one female with what I believe to be an inguinal hernia. Do you agree on waiting to have her examed? Is there anything I can do to help now?

Full Question:
Out of our litter of 10, I noticed one female with what I believe to be an inguinal hernia. She is 4 weeks old, acting just like the others. Our vet said to watch her closely and will examine her at her 8 week checkup.

But I just wanted your opinion on this matter...

1. Do you agree on waiting to have her examined?

2. Is it ok to wait until she is spayed to fix it?

3. Do you believe this is a hereditary birth defect?

4. Is there anything I can do to help now?

Again thanks so much for your time.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Until the vet looks at this, it’s not possible to give an opinion as to whether this should be fixed surgically or if it even warrants surgery at all.

I’d take the pup in for a checkup. I had a pup that I purchased from another breeder need emergency surgery due to a loop of intestine slipping into the opening from an undetected inguinal hernia. Better safe than sorry when it comes to something like this.

Whether it’s hereditary or not, I don’t know. Umbilical hernias do tend to run in families, I’m not sure about inguinal hernias.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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