May 05, 2011

I have a 4 year old beagle who gets over-excited and anxious. Will any of the calming or anxiety pills or supplements that you have help out a bit. Which one is best?

Full Question:

I was looking at the biweekly newsletter and saw the herbal and holistic vitamins. I have a 4 year old beagle and she sometimes gets a little over excited and anxious when I bring her out to places. I am a trainer and she is getting much better with the help of training. She has no phobias or extreme anxieties, but I was wondering if maybe one of the calming or anxiety pills or supplements that you have may help out a bit. As long as its 100% natural I have no problem giving it to her. If not, I rather keep moving forward with just the training. But I was wondering if you ever had a situation like this and what your advice is and if you do advise one of the herbal supplements, which one is best?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Depending on how often you take her out, would determine which product I recommend.

If you take her out regularly (multiple times a week) I’d use the Calm Anxiety. This product is given daily, and takes several weeks to show results.

If you only take her out occasionally or she only becomes anxious once in a while then I’d recommend Rescue Remedy.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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