May 05, 2011

My puppy has a chewing/eating problem. He chews on everything and anything, to the point that he has landed in the emrgency room twice. What should I do?

Full Question:
I'm writing on behalf of one of my Shetland Sheepdog puppies - well, now he's almost a year old - whom I co-own but who lives with his primary owners in another state. This puppy has a chewing/eating problem that I am very concerned about. He chews on everything and anything, to the point that he has landed in the emergency room twice. The family has tried keeping him somewhat confined (x-pen) when they can't directly supervise him; they have muzzled him when out of doors but he has literally eaten through 5 muzzles of different sorts. He can't be left unsupervised at all without having him eating or chewing.

The family has a large yard. The puppy seems to have plenty of exercise and is taking regular agility lessons; he will also be (if he isn't already) taking herding lessons in addition to learning how to help with the 6 sheep owned by the family. He is one of 4 Shelties in the household, none of whom exhibit this behavior - nor have any of the other puppies that I have ever bred. This puppy is unneutered - we hope that he has the potential for the conformation ring and possibly for breeding - but I do wonder if neutering would have any effect on this very undesirable behavior. Someone said it is a form of displaced aggression and that neutering would help to diminish it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I think for something like this I would consult with a homeopath or at the very least a holistic vet. Pica is something I feel may be linked to vaccinosis or vaccine damage. It may be linked to other health issues. A thorough blood work up and exam are in order.

Here are some of the common reasons a dog craves and eats non food items
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Primary gastrointestinal maldigestive and malabsorptive disorders (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, severe inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal lymphosarcoma)
  • Endocrine disorders (hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes mellitus) cause polyphagia (increased appetite)
  • Iron deficiency anemia
I would disagree with displaced aggression, it’s more of an obsessive/compulsive disorder and not an aggression issue. Neutering a dog because of pica is a stretch. I certainly wouldn’t neuter him at this point.

We have a list of vets that has been compiled by our customers and you can see it here. We are providing this list as a service; please do your own research into any health care provider you choose for your dogs.

I hope this helps, let me know what you find out.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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