May 05, 2011

I Have been having some really bad weight issues regarding my GS. Any advice?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

Was wondering if maybe you could shed some light on my situation pertaining to my 2 year old GS? I Have been having some really bad weight issues regarding my GS, as a pup he looked great then about 14 months old I started to notice his hip bones and rear end looking rather skinny. He has had all his shots, had him on raw since a pup but took him off for about 9 months and now I seem to be having a bad weight issue with him gaining weight! I feed raw hamburger, vegetables, salmon oil etc.

Any advice?

Awaiting answer,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
If you are worried about the weight loss, then I’d have a stool sample analyzed by a vet and I may have a thorough exam. If the dog seems hungry all the time but isn’t gaining weight, no matter how much you feed then I would ask your vet to run a test for EPI-exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Without knowing the diet you feed specifically, I would mention that hamburger, vegetables and salmon oil is not a suitable diet for a dog. The 2 best books for learning about the raw diet are Raw Dog Food and Natural Nutrition for Dogs & Cats. We give both these books to our puppy customers and rarely have questions about the diet.

We also have a great section on feeding dogs, I think you’ll find a lot of helpful information there.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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