May 05, 2011

Our 4-yr-old female GSD's heart skips a beat every 100 or so heartbeats. Do you have any idea what may have caused this?

Full Question:

I took my wonderful, healthy 4-year-old female German Shepherd to our vet last night for her annual Therapy Dogs International physical.

He told me that she was otherwise healthy, but that every hundred or so heartbeats, her heart skips a beat. He said that it was nothing to worry about until she is much older, and that I shouldn't change anything.

She is on a strict diet to maintain her weight at 73 lbs, because she had plumped up about a year ago to 86 lbs. She has always been very active. I live in the country and I walk her, off leash, for a hour each morning and 1 1/2 to 2 hours each evening. She has the opportunity to chase an occasional dear, but she never wanders too far from my side. I toss a stick or ball for her and she is very athletic and agile in the retrieve.

Do you agree with my vet? Do you have any idea what might have caused this? Do you think I should take any precautions?

She is a very special dog, and I'm quite worried.

Thank you,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
For something like this, I would seek out a cardiologist. A general vet is fine for picking up problems, but if this was my dog I would want to see someone who is a specialist.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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