May 05, 2011

I switched my dog to a raw diet and she's doing great, but she is sooo itchy all the time. Do you have any suggestions?

Full Question:
Hello Cindy,

I just have a question. Since reading on your website, and doing quite a bit of my own research I have switched my German Shepherd puppy to a raw diet. She is almost 10 months now, and she has been on it for about 4-5 months. I usually give her either organic beef or chicken, a raw egg yolk a day, and supplement with calcium, vitamin c, vitamin e, and the salmon oil from your website. She also off and on gets things like vegetables, pumpkin, etc... She does really well on it, and her coat is nice she just has one problem. She is soooo itchy all the time. I can't figure out what she is missing. She doesn't scratch herself raw or pull out her hair anywhere, she just itches quite frequently all day in various spots. Also she is kept very clean and she doesn't have fleas or any kind of rash either. Do you have any suggestions for me? I would so appreciate any help I can get.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Sometimes this is a trial and error thing. I‘d eliminate certain things from her diet and see if you notice a change.

If you are giving alfalfa, I would stop that first. Some dogs are sensitive to it.

If that doesn’t do it, try eliminating eggs and chicken.

It may also be a seasonal allergy, something outside that manifests as itching. It could also be a symptom of an imbalance caused by vaccinations.

In that case, I’d try Clear Allergies if modifying her diet doesn’t help.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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