May 06, 2011

What supplements should I use for a dog with hip dysplasia?

Full Question:
Hello Cindy!

I have a question about what supplements to give to a young Bernese Mountain Dog with hip dysplasia. (Can't ever remember how to spell that!) This is my mother's dog and she is giving her novox for pain, but I'm thinking that she needs something else besides that. What would be your recommendations?

Thank you!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’d recommend salmon oil and Vitamin E. Salmon oil is a natural anti-inflammatory.

I’d also recommend one of our glucosamine formulas, I use Syn-Flex with my dogs.

For joint support and pain relief, Soothe Joints and Comfort Aches. These are safe for long term use.

Personally, I would not use any form of carbofen (Novox or Rimadyl) on a dog unless it was a last resort. It has a lot of dangerous side effects, a google search will turn up a lot of info. Hopefully her vet informed her of the risks before prescribing it.

I would also make sure she’s keeping this dog thin, to ease stress on the joints and I would also recommend a grain free diet. I don’t know what she feeds but any type of grain in a dog’s diet can cause inflammation in joints, skin and ears. We have a great section on feeding dogs on the website.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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