May 06, 2011

Recently one of my dogs has started licking excessively after she eats. Any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated.

Full Question:
First I want you to know how much I enjoy your website. Lots of good info and quality products. I have a problem I hope you can help me with. I have been feeding raw for almost a year. I feed chicken quarters, chicken liver, venison, pork, and raw eggs. Recently one of my dogs has started licking excessively after she eats. It looks like she is licking the end of her nose or the roof of her mouth. Sometimes she licks so much her belly swells. You can see her deflate when she burps. This is scaring me. I don't know why she is doing this or what to do about it. I considered taking her to the vet, but she will say it's the diet I'm feeding and probably prescribe special food. I feel a raw diet is best and don't want to have to put her on kibble. Any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
What breed of dog is this and how old is she? Do you feed whole leg quarters and other animal parts or do you grind her food? Does she eat very quickly and gulp her food?

Cindy Rhodes
User Response:
Thank you for your quick response. She is a 3 year old lab/golden mix and a therapy dog. I feed twice a day. Boneless in the am which she eats quickly, but I don't think she's a gulper. In the pm she gets a whole leg quarter and organ. She eats this meal slower than my other dog, but they both eat pretty quick. I really appreciate this.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Does she do the licking after every meal, or do you notice a pattern to it (like only when she gets eggs or chicken or beef)? She may have a sensitivity to a specific protein, which would upset her stomach and cause her to lick, which may cause her to swallow air. Keep a diary of when she does this and what she eats.

I’d also maybe try giving her completely ground meals to see if that helps. I think I’d also try a dish like this with ground meals, to see if slowing her eating down somewhat makes a difference.

This is kind of like a guessing game, where you need to rule things out and see if adding or subtracting different variables makes a difference. I hope this helps.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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