May 06, 2011

My dog is allergic to many kinds of foods. What kind of diet can I use to eliminate her symptoms of scratching, biting, and so forth?

Full Question:
I have a German Shepherd female 3 years old that some where around 2 years old developed food allergies. According to the lab work from Bio-Medical Labs she is allergic to:

Border line on Pork

She is currently eating Royal Canine Duck & Potato dry food or can. I buy ground Turkey breast and barley cook it, also can salmon, and or course she is limited on most treats. Treats I give duck & potato, real meat venison, fish, and lamb.

In reading it looks like she could only try the Vegetables, fruit,& herbs. One of them was fine until it said carrots and according to her chart she is highly allergic to carrots. What is listed as the ingredients is it correct? No hidden ingredients not mentioned.

Would you have any more suggestions on food that I can feed and eliminate her symptoms. She has been on this now for 8 weeks but is still scratching, biting, ear infection after another about to drive me crazy especially when she starts scratching in the middle of the night.

She does have some tree, grass, insect, and is allergic to pyrethrums. All the grasses are in Florida & Mid West. Were in TN.

Thanks for any advice or help.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
My advice would be to get ALL grains out of your dogs diet. Even if the allergy testing only indicates a few grains, my experience is that NO dog needs grains in any form. This includes dog biscuits and treats. Read the article we have on feeding a raw diet.

If you would like to try the Honest Kitchen foods, I would recommend the Force or Embark Formulas. They are both grain free. There are no hidden ingredients in the Honest Kitchen products.

I would also recommend the book The Allergy Solution for Dogs. Do not vaccinate your dog any more, regardless of what your vet tells you. This will only cause more problems for your dog in the long run. Read the article we have on vaccinosis.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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