May 10, 2011

I worry about excess calcium in my dog's diet. Any supplement recommendations as well as a certain kind of Honest Kitchen?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a 14 week old Black Russian Terrier. I have her currently on Innova Large Breed Puppy food and would like to transition her to Honest Kitchen. I have a couple of questions and concerns. As an owner of a Giant breed I am obsessed with worrying about calcium rates, and calories and I don't understand it all that well. With giant breeds and I am sure with your GSDs, these are concerns along with a multitude of other things like "no stairs, no over exercising and etc." I am considering Honest Kitchen because I would like to go grain free and was hoping that you could recommend one of them and if I should limit my BRTs RMBs because of excess calcium. She was 33lbs at 13 weeks and will top out around 100lbs. Also, what supplements would you recommend for this breed and does the supplementation change as the dog grows older. Lastly - I know that probiotics are great for the transition, but should I stop them once she has adjusted? I purchased and read the book you sell on your site about natural nutrition for dogs and cats, but still had these questions.

Thank you for your help,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
For a growing pup I would recommend Embark, and I also interchange with Force (which is also grain free) I wouldn’t worry too much about cutting back RMBs, as the calcium in ‘real’ food is easily handled by the body. I have raised countless puppies on a raw diet, without issue. You can make yourself crazy if you try to figure out calcium ratios and things like that.

Balance over time is the key, and we feed a variety of foods to all our dogs here and have for many years. Kibble companies and vets try to scare us into thinking we can’t feed our dogs unless some scientists give us the correctly balanced foods. I would bet you have never given a thought to your own calcium/phosphorus ratios! I know I haven’t!

I would also recommend the book Raw Dog Food, it’s really well done.

For a dog making a switch, I would recommend digestive enzymes (many people get these confused with probiotics.) Probiotics are also good during a switch or any kind of stress or after a round of antibiotics.

I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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