May 10, 2011

My breeder told me a puppy should be fed with protein content less than 20% so that she does not grow too quickly. What do you think?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a 4 1/2 month doberman pup that I'm considering feeding Force. The breeder feels strongly that the puppy should be feed adult food with a protein content less than 20% so that she does not grow too quickly. So I'm think of feeding her a little less of the Force than recommended but mixing in some fruits, vegetables, oils, yogurt, etc. (items that have low protein content). Could you please let me know what you think about this?

I'm also considering the Keen. Could you please let me know if you think Force or Keen would be better for my dog?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
When feeding raw or fresh foods it’s not as critical to be mindful of protein levels. I feed my dogs a raw diet and have no issues with growth in puppies. Your breeder may not have experience feeding anything other than commercial kibble in which case the old advice has always been to feed low protein.

I’d recommend Embark for your puppy or Force. I would not feed a formula that contains grains.

I also WOULD NOT add fruits or vegetables to any of the Honest Kitchen formulas, they have more than enough in them already. If you want to add something beneficial, add raw animal protein like meat or eggs. With Force or Embark, it is not necessary to add anything though, it’s a stand alone diet.

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Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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