May 10, 2011

What is the youngest one should put a pup on a helper?

Full Question:

I have one very quick question to ask you about. I know I can get other peoples input on your web board, but it's yours I interested in. You have been around the block many times, and I'm sure you also know a lot of other top level dog trainers that have as well, but when is the earliest a person should let their pup work with a helper? I have just about every one of your videos on this topic, and I think I know the right answer, be the reason I'm asking you is that there's a local ring sport trainer that thinks it should be right away. He is a ring three judge, and heads up a club that's very close to my home, so training with him would be nice. But he has some training methods that I'm not real pleased with like covering the eyes on a puppy that's about the same age as my pup, while it's doing basic rag bite work. And pushing down on it's nose at the same time. Ed I truly value you advice, and I want what's best for my pup.


P. S. I know you don't have time to answer my every little question, but I need to know if these are good or bad signs in a club leader.
Ed Ed's Answer:
I would not put my dog on a helper until it was 12 months old. The problem with putting a dog on a helper too soon is insecurity – when that happens the dog's grip gets chewy. The reason the ring sport people will do this (other than they have more to learn) is that the French Ring does not judge grip – so a chewy grip is not going to hurt anything.

There is no reason you cannot do EVERYTHING this helper does when you are doing the prey work in PREPARING YOUR DOG FOR THE HELPER. These people are going to bad mouth this approach – but everyone has their own thoughts.

For me it's just not worth it.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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