May 10, 2011

My resident dog is tone deaf and has only 1 eye. My new dog is 18 months. NO commands are not heard. Any ideas for this delicate situation?

Full Question:
I just read your article about introducing dogs. I was glad to hear that I'm proceeding in the right fashion. Just one problem I have is my resident dog (15 year old pom) Is stone deaf and has only 1 eye. My new dog is an 18 month old pom. NO commands are not heard. Any ideas for this delicate situation? They are separated. They bark hysterically at one another upon sight.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Use dog crates for the life of the old dog. I would NEVER allow the new dog to be off leash and near the old dog. Put yourself in the old dog's position. Would you want a young tough fooling with you if you were deaf and half blind at 90 years old?

If you think you're going to get the old dog to like the new dog you are wrong.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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