May 10, 2011

I just started using markers and have a ton of questions about teaching new behaviors, etc. Can you help me out?

Full Question:
I frequent your site often and own several DVD's--thank you for providing such excellent resources!

I just finished the "Your Puppy 8 weeks to 8 months" and listening to the pod cast on marker training.

When teaching a new behavior, when do you suggest is best to "name" that behavior and give it a command word? For example, when teaching a "sit," are you saying sit before the dog knows the associated motion, as you guide it into position with food? Or, are you waiting until the pup anticipates the sit and starts to offer it reliably and THEN say "sit"? Or, do you use a marker word, and if so in combination with the command word?

I know this must seem like a ridiculously simple concept, but everyone seems to have a different approach to when to introduce the command word.

Do you think it matters? If so, what's the most effective way to teach the dog to associate the behavior with the command word?

Many thanks in advance for your time!

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
When teaching a new behavior, I use more of a gesture at first. No command.

I do the gesture (such as lift my hand over the dog's nose for sit) when he sits, YES and reward. When he is doing this consistently, then I add the word. SIT, gesture, YES and reward. Fairly soon the dog starts to offer the behavior when I say the word and I can phase out the gesture.

If the dog gets "stuck" I can add the gesture back in to help the dog be successful.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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