May 10, 2011

I have a five year old German Shepherd. In competition he sniffs I can not break him from this. Have any hot tips?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a five year old German Shepherd. In competition he sniffs I can not break him from this. Outside the ring he's good. At practice I use a e-collar which I seldom have to nick him but he knows the park. I have been taking him on different walks. Have any hot tips?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
This can be a tough problem, because sniffing is an immediately reinforcing behavior. Even if he gets a correction it may be worth it to him because the act of sniffing is so important to a lot of dogs.

I would teach him something to do INSTEAD of sniffing, like give you eye contact. If his eyes are up and looking at you, it will be much harder to put his nose down on the ground to sniff.

I would teach this using markers this way if he goes to sniff, you can redirect him to a positive behavior and then reward with food and/or toys. I think it may take a while to retrain, but I think this is the best way to try to solve the issue at hand.

Good luck!


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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