May 10, 2011

I want to work on commands becoming an immediate response. Any advise would be appreciated!

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I'm in love with the Leerburg website, DVDs, and products, but I do have a question. My 6 month old GSD pup knows basic commands (sit, down, etc) and will perform them anywhere, even the public park. I only give the command once, but even if we are inside the house with zero distraction, she often takes up to 5 seconds before complying. What can I do to get her to understand that when I give a command, she should perform it instantly? I know in one of the videos Ed says to give the dog a chance to think before correcting it, and she does obey eventually, but I want to work on commands becoming an immediate response. Any advise would be appreciated!

Thanks so much,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would NOT add corrections to a 6 month old puppy.

I’ve had great results with training all my dogs with markers. Once they understand the “game” they comply very quickly and with a wonderful attitude.

Read the article titled Training With Markers.

I hope this helps!


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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