May 11, 2011

My puppy is more interested in everything except retrieving, is there an easy solution to this?

Full Question:

I have a 5 month old lab that I am trying to get to retrieve a dummy. She seems more interested in everything else around her. She will go get the dummy then either not bring it back or drop it half way and go on doing something else. Is there an easy solution for this?

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Your dog needs to be more focused and engaged with you. If she’s more interested in other things that’s a sign that she’s not ready for the level of distraction that you are subjecting her to. You also need to keep your dog on a leash, so she doesn’t have the option to leave you.

I’d recommend learning to use markers with her.

these 2 videos are going to help you apply the skills you need to get your dog more engaged with you. I can’t recommend them enough.

The Power of Training Dogs with Markers

The Power of Training Dogs with Food

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I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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