May 11, 2011

If you correct your dog for unwanted behavior and he complies but starts to whimper and whine to express frustration, should this be tolerated or corrected?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

I have a question on training that I would like your advice on please.

When say for example that you are correcting your dog for an unwanted behaviour like looking at another dog or chasing and barking at a cat and you put him a down stay and he complies but he will whimper and whine to express his frustration at not being able to do what he wants, should this verbalisation of his frustration be tolerated or should it be corrected at an appropriate level to stop the behaviour after a verbal 'no'.

I hope this makes sense

Thanks :)

Kind Regards,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I do not allow my dogs to vocalize in these situations. This can be tricky to do. Sometimes it’s best to start off by teaching the dog quiet with a reward first, by getting one second of a break in the whining and then mark and reward and gradually increasing the amount of time you expect your dog to restrain himself.

Sometimes with dogs that like to whine and squeak, a physical correction actually makes them more squeaky so you’ll have to experiment with what works for your dog.

If you aren’t already using marker training, I’d recommend it. It can really accelerate the understanding.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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